Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums

201,60 BYN

Bouquet of Roses and Chrysanthemums - Show your affection and appreciation with this beautiful combination of long-lasting roses and chrysanthemums. The perfect gift for any occasion, this bouquet combines the classic beauty of roses with the delicacy of chrysanthemums. Get fast and reliable flowers delivery in Minsk, Belarus, with a click of a button.

Need red roses for celebrating an anniversary, birthday or just because? Whatever red rose bouquet you are looking for is available on our web-site.

Flowers: Round bouquet of  7 red roses, 5 white spray camomile chrysanthemums, with greens, ribbon
Product name: Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums
Product ID: 32330
Sizes: diameter: 25 cm, height: 50-60 cm.
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