
Lisianthus bouquets

Flower arrangement of red and pink roses

Flowers:  roses(pink, red), lisianthus, greens, floral sponge

441,60 BYN
Bouquet of 15 multicolored Lisianthus

Great bouquet for a good mood!

313,60 BYN
Flowers Bouquet Irises& Lisianthus

Iris has a purple color flowers. Irises in a bouquet, depending on their shade, can look both gently, and contrasting, accentuating. Blue shades of irises are well combined with orange and yellow shades of other colors. For example, a bouquet of irises and eustoma (lisianthus) looks cute.

243,20 BYN

Order a bouquet of lisianthus (eustoma) with delivery in Minsk

Delivery of bouquets from lisianthus is carried out by Teleflora in Minsk. A large assortment of different types, colors of lisianthus at competitive prices is presented on our website. Flowers are a great gift that will be able to please a loved one and become that necessary piece of attention that we all need so much. Teleflora company specializes not only in the delivery of bouquets of flowers and flower arrangements, so we can also offer an addition to the purchased eustom composition in the form of a gift: helium, mylar and foil balloons, chocolate, soft toys, holiday baskets.

To order a bouquet from eustom with delivery in Minsk, you need to select the item of interest, optionally choose gift products, then go to the cart, fill in the necessary recipient and sender data, pay for the order. As soon as you place an order, we will receive notifications, and we will promptly contact you to clarify additional details.