Bouquet of 5 red roses and 2 white lilies "Grace"

92,80 BYN

Send a heartfelt message of love and admiration with our exquisite “Red Roses and White Lilies Bouquet”. This bouquet combines two colors. 5 passionate red roses and 2 white lilies. The contrasting shades symbolize the harmony of passion and purity, making it an ideal gift for different occasions. With Teleflora you can deliver flowers to Minsk and any other city in Belarus.

Composition: 5 red roses, 2 white lilies, packaging, raffia.
Size: diameter – 25 cm, height – 50-60 cm.
Item number:
Supplier: ZiViS-Opt LLC.
Country of origin: Netherlands / Ecuador.

If you are interested in a different number of colors, please contact the manager.

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